Player Roster
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Handle | H.I.™ | Division |
Al Hagen | 4.7 | Senior Championship |
Allen Koch | 6.6 | Senior Rushmore |
Andy Ainslie | 8.4 | Senior Championship |
Arlo Remmers | 13.6 | Senior Rushmore |
Bert Olson | 3.1 | Senior Championship |
Bill Fischer | 21.8 | Senior Rushmore |
Bill O'Connor | 15.2 | Senior Rushmore |
Bill Schaefer | 6.8 | Senior Rushmore |
Bob Endahl | 7.2 | Senior Rushmore |
Bob Felker | 10.1 | Senior Rushmore |
Bob Holzwarth | 23.6 | Senior Rushmore |
Boyd Conzemius | 10.4 | Senior Rushmore |
Brad Buche | 1.9 | Senior Championship |
Bradley Seaman | 5.0 | Senior Championship |
Brent Strasser | 11.5 | Senior Rushmore |
Brian Hardy | 11.0 | Senior Rushmore |
Brian Schultz | 17.7 | Senior Rushmore |
Bruce Ashland | 9.4 | Senior Rushmore |
Chad Viereck | 5.9 | Senior Championship |
Charles Peacock | 12.9 | Senior Rushmore |
Chuck Eide | 6.8 | Senior Championship |
Chuck Turner | 13.5 | Senior Rushmore |
Corey Stratton | 4.9 | Senior Rushmore |
Craig Boeddeker | 0.1 | Senior Rushmore |
Craig Kludt | 8.8 | Senior Rushmore |
Dale Nelsen | 13.8 | Senior Rushmore |
Dan Koopman | 11.5 | Senior Rushmore |
Dan Prue | 4.9 | Senior Championship |
Darin Vonbank | 0.6 | Senior Championship |
Daron Brown | 4.8 | Senior Championship |
Dave Beranek | 10.2 | Senior Rushmore |
Dave Henrikson | 9.6 | Senior Rushmore |
Dave Rice | 8.2 | Senior Championship |
David Bartlett | 7.2 | Senior Rushmore |
David Brunken | 7.2 | Senior Rushmore |
David Gustafson | 7.7 | Senior Championship |
David Lauer | 15.7 | Senior Rushmore |
David Mydland | 18.7 | Senior Rushmore |
David Solano | 9.0 | Senior Rushmore |
David Wobbema | 6.0 | Senior Championship |
Dean Degooyer | 14.8 | Senior Rushmore |
Dean Dreessen | 13.7 | Senior Rushmore |
Dennis Breske | 6.5 | Senior Championship |
Dennis Rolfes | 6.2 | Senior Rushmore |
Derek Burshiem | 4.7 | Senior Championship |
Dirk Swanson | 8.3 | Senior Championship |
Don Koster | 5.4 | Senior Championship |
Don Robinson | 7.7 | Senior Rushmore |
Doug Murphy | 4.4 | Senior Championship |
Doug Weisenbach | 8.2 | Senior Championship |
Duane Broek | 4.0 | Senior Championship |
Gary Cotten | 9.0 | Senior Rushmore |
Gary Hitt | 16.1 | Senior Rushmore |
George Christopulos | 3.2 | Senior Championship |
Glen Herrick | 5.2 | Senior Championship |
Gordon Jones | 8.4 | Senior Championship |
Greg G Olson | 16.2 | Senior Rushmore |
Greg Kendall | 7.2 | Senior Rushmore |
Greg Schultz | 4.2 | Senior Championship |
Greg Vavra | 10.5 | Senior Rushmore |
HAK Steen | 3.4 | Senior Championship |
Jack Hieb | 3.8 | Senior Championship |
James Lather | 4.0 | Senior Championship |
Jay Johnson | 7.1 | Senior Championship |
Jay Miller | 4.1 | Senior Championship |
Jeff From | 5.5 | Senior Championship |
Jeff McEntee | 3.3 | Senior Championship |
Jeff Nelson | 10.2 | Senior Championship |
Jeff Oleson | 16.5 | Senior Rushmore |
Jeff Wilson | 14.4 | Senior Rushmore |
Jeffrey Bradshaw | 11.0 | Senior Rushmore |
Jerry Lokkeberg | 10.0 | Senior Rushmore |
Jerry Peterson | 9.0 | Senior Championship |
Jerry Sjoberg | 9.0 | Senior Championship |
Jerry T. Peterson | 13.4 | Senior Rushmore |
Jim Holbrook | 2.1 | Senior Championship |
Jim Rigo | 12.0 | Senior Rushmore |
Joe Gourneau | 7.8 | Senior Championship |
Joel Willette | 9.4 | Senior Rushmore |
John Austin | 15.5 | Senior Rushmore |
John Hime | 9.5 | Senior Rushmore |
John Weier | 7.2 | Senior Rushmore |
Jon Graves | 15.7 | Senior Rushmore |
Jon Vandermaten | 10.1 | Senior Rushmore |
Keith Hansen | 5.5 | Senior Championship |
Kelly Farrar | 9.0 | Senior Championship |
Ken Awe | 2.2 | Senior Championship |
Ken Reuland | 12.7 | Senior Rushmore |
Kevin Kreulen | 18.8 | Senior Rushmore |
Kevin Van holland | 15.3 | Senior Rushmore |
Kim Peterson | 16.3 | Senior Rushmore |
Kurt Petersen | 6.3 | Senior Rushmore |
Lance Dusing | 7.0 | Senior Rushmore |
larry anderson | 13.2 | Senior Rushmore |
Larry Green | 6.3 | Senior Rushmore |
Larry Rieffenberger | 15.2 | Senior Rushmore |
Lee Schoenbeck | 15.6 | Senior Rushmore |
Mark Buehler | 9.4 | Senior Championship |
Mark Luke | 14.7 | Senior Rushmore |
Mark Lunderman | 10.5 | Senior Championship |
Mark Papstein | 7.1 | Senior Championship |
Mark Schaffer | 9.6 | Senior Championship |
Mark Stein | 12.3 | Senior Rushmore |
Michael Derby | 8.1 | Senior Championship |
Mike Albertus | 16.3 | Senior Rushmore |
Mike Begeman | 4.0 | Senior Championship |
Mike Brummer | 2.0 | Senior Championship |
Mike Grevlos | 2.3 | Senior Championship |
Mike Keszler | 13.6 | Senior Rushmore |
Mike Mikkelsen | 13.0 | Senior Rushmore |
Mike Neuroth | 2.3 | Senior Championship |
Mike Stephens | 7.1 | Senior Rushmore |
Monty Bechtold | 7.9 | Senior Rushmore |
Pat Lockwood | 1.7 | Senior Championship |
Patrick Burchill | 14.1 | Senior Rushmore |
Paul Moe | 15.8 | Senior Rushmore |
Paul Reiter | 5.0 | Senior Championship |
Pete Schmidt | 7.3 | Senior Championship |
Randall Ulmer | 11.1 | Senior Rushmore |
Randy Brouwer | 4.9 | Senior Rushmore |
Randy P Smith | 10.5 | Senior Rushmore |
Ray Beckler | 35.6 | Senior Rushmore |
Richard (Tuffy) Lunderman | 8.5 | Senior Championship |
Richard Fawbush | 5.6 | Senior Championship |
Rick Bishop | 9.9 | Senior Rushmore |
Rick Briggs | 14.1 | Senior Rushmore |
Rick Dunlap | 5.8 | Senior Championship |
Rick Hohn | 8.0 | Senior Rushmore |
Rick Kiesow | 14.2 | Senior Rushmore |
Rob Dewit | +1.2 | Senior Championship |
Robert Long | 14.3 | Senior Rushmore |
Robert McGlone | 9.7 | Senior Rushmore |
Robert Viereck | 9.7 | Senior Championship |
Rod Snyder | 7.0 | Senior Rushmore |
Rodney (Allen) Dehne | 5.0 | Senior Rushmore |
Rodney Stoeser | 23.9 | Senior Rushmore |
Ron Douthit | 11.3 | Senior Rushmore |
Ron Klinger | 16.7 | Senior Rushmore |
Sam Prue | 3.3 | Senior Championship |
Scot Pfeifer | 8.0 | Senior Rushmore |
Scott Clarke | 4.8 | Senior Championship |
Scott Hipple | 20.6 | Senior Rushmore |
Scott Holm | 0.9 | Senior Championship |
Scott Hylland | 12.5 | Senior Rushmore |
Scott Podoll | 5.3 | Senior Championship |
Scott Ramharter | 7.4 | Senior Championship |
Sean Farah | 3.3 | Senior Championship |
Shannon Dale | 1.9 | Senior Championship |
Stan Anker | 14.9 | Senior Rushmore |
Stephen Dannen | 6.8 | Senior Championship |
Steve Beardsley | 3.2 | Senior Championship |
Steve Mack | 9.4 | Senior Rushmore |
Steve Mentele | 12.3 | Senior Rushmore |
Steven Breuer | 21.5 | Senior Rushmore |
Stuart Zephier | 6.0 | Senior Rushmore |
Terry Brunken | 9.5 | Senior Rushmore |
Terry Dupris | 13.5 | Senior Rushmore |
Terry Mahar | 8.1 | Senior Championship |
Thom Koehler | 7.6 | Senior Rushmore |
Tim Begeman | 1.5 | Senior Championship |
Tim Donohue | 4.1 | Senior Championship |
Tim Renner | 5.1 | Senior Championship |
Tod Wendt | 8.5 | Senior Rushmore |
Todd Hanten | 8.6 | Senior Championship |
Todd Hofland | 5.2 | Senior Championship |
Todd Kendle | 6.7 | Senior Championship |
Tom Johnson | 10.8 | Senior Championship |
Tom Reynolds | 1.5 | Senior Championship |
Vic Brownell | 16.0 | Senior Rushmore |
Walter Bones | 23.6 | Senior Rushmore |
Wayne Ahrendt | 9.5 | Senior Rushmore |
Wayne Gall | 13.0 | Senior Rushmore |
Wayne Mielke | 17.8 | Senior Rushmore |
Wes Ford | 9.9 | Senior Championship |
William (Billy) Thompson | 10.3 | Senior Rushmore |